Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Come on Sid Miller, really?

On Tuesday, March 1st, 2016, Patrick Michels, a well-seasoned writer for the Texas Observer, wrote an article titled "High on the Hog."  Michels critiques Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Sid Miller, on his frivolous furniture and food expenditures during his primary off-season.  In 2015, Miller drained his campaign account and spent a staggering $55,000 on refurnishing his office, so it would have a more "agriculture" feel.  With actions like this one can't help but laugh and think wtf.

Michels makes note of Miller's interest in using his current position as a "springboard for higher office" and makes a valid point that Miller's competition are "some well-outfitted candidates, all of whom used 2015 to ready their bank accounts for the next campaign.  Greg Abbott has $22 million to spend on keeping his office.  Dan Patrick amassed $7.5 million for a run in 2018".  However, Miller doesn't seem to be too concerned about his finances, as Michels jokingly points out "(He) used his account more like a Happy Meal".  Michels clearly views Miller and his careless expenditures as a joke, and I'm sure his Democratic and Liberal readers would agree with him- I know I do!

In his article, Michels pokes fun at Miller and provides his readers with a good laugh, but underneath his jokes lies a very serious issue...Texans actually voted for this man, and his popularity is disconcerting.  With people like Sid Miller in office (and very possibly, with the upcoming elections, Mary Lou Bruner), I don't see how other states can take Texas seriously.  It pains me to see dumb dumbs like this get into office.  Sometimes I wonder if there is any hope for Texas at all.