Thursday, May 12, 2016

We all need to use the restroom

My fellow classmate, Megan Lomas, wrote an article titled Bathroom Law Battle Begins to Take Hold in Texas, and I agree with her argument.  I believe that a transgender person should be able to use the restroom that matches their preferred gender choice.  A few blogs ago I made a statement about how we teach our children to judge- I feel like this is a similar situation.  Instead of teaching our children to embrace differences in people, we are teaching them to fear those differences.  I’ve been lucky enough to get to know quite a few people in the transgender community and they are real people, like you and me.  They too have families that love them, friends, ambitions, and feelings. 

My dad has been working with a transgender man for the past 25 years.  I remember when I first met him in the early 90’s, he was just in the beginning stages of his transition from female to male.  My dad explained the situation to me, without judgement, just the facts and that was that.  It doesn’t have to be a big deal.  We don’t have to discriminate against these groups...we choose to because people are afraid of embracing change. 

The American Civil Liberties Union and the Human Rights Campaign both report that there have been zero reported cases of people being attacked in bathrooms by transgender people.  However, an article in TIME magazine states that in 2015 “the number of transgender people murdered in the U.S. hit a historic high.”  I think we are hating on the wrong group of people.

What it comes down to is this, transgender people exist and they too need to use the restroom.  They deserve to have a restroom that they can feel safe using too.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Why and how is this legal?

I am completely baffled by the fact that gerrymandering is legal in Texas, or any state for that matter.  It makes me feel taken advantage of and makes me question how much control we really have.  Often times you hear people say “use your vote to make a difference”, but how in the world can we use our vote to make change if our votes are being manipulated by the legislators creating biased districts?  I think gerrymandering is the most frustrating facet of our government that I learned about this semester. There is absolutely no reason why it should be legal in any state.  Especially when there are other methods that outshine it.

As we we’ve talked about in class, there are ways to create fair and equal districts, for example the shortest split line theory.  Not only does this theory seem like an easier way to conjure up districts, but most importantly it is unbiased.  Unfortunately, I don’t think enough people care or even realize the severe consequences of gerrymandering to put their time into fighting to replace it. That is a truly disheartening fact. 

I know both parties are guilty of gerrymandering and perhaps I might be less bothered if my party was in the driver’s seat, but either way, it leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth.  Cheating is way too common in politics.  I feel like we need to send politicians back to elementary school and reteach them morals.  I did not realize how messed up our state politics are until I took this class.  After every class I find myself thinking why and how is this legal?

Thursday, April 21, 2016

How Much is Too Much Force commentary

On April 7th Areceli Gutierrez wrote a blog titled How Much is Too Much Force, critiquing the amount of power that the state grants law enforcement officials.  I agree with her argument. Many incidents that occur between civilians and law enforcement agents are absolutely heartrending. At times it seems like pure aggression on the part of the officer.  Law enforcement jobs are not easy and I feel they serve a good purpose for the community, but the force that they are allowed to use on civilians should definitely be strictly monitored.  Too many deaths occur around the country because an officer was acting in “self-defense”, but when the story fully surfaces we learn that the victim didn’t even have a weapon.  These scenarios are completely unacceptable.  It’s a person’s life and dignity that we are talking about. 

I think all law enforcement agents need to go through better training.  A training that focuses on different ways to handle civilians that are breaking the law or seem to be a threat.  A few months ago a 17 year old kid lost his life because he was running around naked outside.  Was it strange that the kid was running around naked?  Yes.  Did he deserve to die because of it?  No.  It’s truly heartbreaking.  If you have a job that grants you the power to legally take someone’s life away, you should be held responsible if you use the power irresponsibly.  In my opinion there is too much force and not enough monitoring.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Dear Texas: You're far from perfect, so stop pointing your finger.

Getting an abortion is not an easy choice.  No woman wakes up in the morning and thinks to herself “Hmmm, today would be a great day to get an abortion. I’ll call right now and schedule an appointment!” As if making the choice isn’t hard enough, women are often judged and shamed by society for making this decision.

While abortions are still legal in Texas, recent laws designed to make it more difficult for women to get them greatly concern me. Anti-abortion legislation can lead to unsafe and illegal abortion clinics, babies being raised in unsafe/unloving homes, and more children in the foster care system.  In class we talked about the overflow of children in the foster care system; if services such as abortions and/or birth control were more accepted in our society, then these types of issues might be more manageable.  Instead, a woman who makes the choice to get an abortion is shamed by society and made to feel like she is a bad person. I know more than one woman who has faced this difficult decision and I can say that they are not horrible monsters, but rather they are some of kindest and most compassionate people I know. 

The judgement and stigmas associated with abortions and the clinics that provide them, needs to come to an end.  If Texas laws would openly support organizations like Planned Parenthood it would help pave the road for a more open minded state further down the line.    

As a society, when we point the finger at a woman and shame her for making the decision to end a pregnancy, we are teaching our kids how to judge.  In a world full of judgement, we are in desperate need of more compassion. I’m not trying to glorify abortion and I know it’s not always the right choice for every woman.  The important thing is that women are able to explore all of their options freely. Early in life we learn that we are humans and humans are far from perfect.  Will there ever come a day when we will stop judging the people around us and instead look within ourselves and start making changes there first?

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Come on Sid Miller, really?

On Tuesday, March 1st, 2016, Patrick Michels, a well-seasoned writer for the Texas Observer, wrote an article titled "High on the Hog."  Michels critiques Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Sid Miller, on his frivolous furniture and food expenditures during his primary off-season.  In 2015, Miller drained his campaign account and spent a staggering $55,000 on refurnishing his office, so it would have a more "agriculture" feel.  With actions like this one can't help but laugh and think wtf.

Michels makes note of Miller's interest in using his current position as a "springboard for higher office" and makes a valid point that Miller's competition are "some well-outfitted candidates, all of whom used 2015 to ready their bank accounts for the next campaign.  Greg Abbott has $22 million to spend on keeping his office.  Dan Patrick amassed $7.5 million for a run in 2018".  However, Miller doesn't seem to be too concerned about his finances, as Michels jokingly points out "(He) used his account more like a Happy Meal".  Michels clearly views Miller and his careless expenditures as a joke, and I'm sure his Democratic and Liberal readers would agree with him- I know I do!

In his article, Michels pokes fun at Miller and provides his readers with a good laugh, but underneath his jokes lies a very serious issue...Texans actually voted for this man, and his popularity is disconcerting.  With people like Sid Miller in office (and very possibly, with the upcoming elections, Mary Lou Bruner), I don't see how other states can take Texas seriously.  It pains me to see dumb dumbs like this get into office.  Sometimes I wonder if there is any hope for Texas at all.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Is Texas on the wrong side of history?

On Thursday, February 19th, 2016, The Austin American-Statesman published an article titled "Walk carefully toward 'new religious' freedom laws."  This particular article was written by the 'Editorial Board', so it makes it difficult to establish the writer's credibility, but I will say that I very much agree with the points given throughout the article.  Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is in favor of offering protection to people and/or companies that have "sincerely held religious beliefs."   The article discusses the dangers that can possibly stem from this type of "religious" protection.  The main point that the editorial board makes is the exclusion and discrimination that the LGBT community might face if businesses are given the rights to discriminate based on their religious beliefs.  With this being said it becomes clear that the targeted audience is the LGBT community and people who hold a more liberal view on politics.  

Personally speaking, I have been in a same-sex relationship for the past 4 years and it angers me to think of laws being passed to protect religious freedoms that can very possibly affect me and my partner.  The article makes a good point in saying "Federal and state laws...already protect the religious rights guaranteed by the First Amendment, and do so without throwing off balance the equally important need to protect competing rights to avoid faith-based discrimination.  The legislative journey Patrick wants lawmakers to take next year is an unnecessary one."  

In recent years, same sex couples have been gaining more and more freedoms that traditional male and female couples receive.  I think this angers a lot of non-progressive religious thinkers, and they want to manipulate the law to benefit their agenda, but it's my belief that they are on the wrong side of history and to create laws that allow groups to discriminate against minorities will only stifle our growth as a respectable State.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Rising Hispanic Population

On February 5, 2016 Ashley Lopez wrote an article for titled "Blustering Rhetoric May Bring More Latino Voters to the Polls".  This article sheds light on a topic we've been covering in class- the growth of the Hispanic population in Texas and how this growth will effect voting at the polls.  The article talks about Mi Familia Vota, an organization that exists in Texas and five other states.  The purpose of the group is to help eligible legal permanent residents apply for U.S. citizenship and encourage them to become active voters.  The article mostly refers to the 2016 Presidential election, but I believe with organizations like Mi Familia Vota we will begin to see many changes in voter turnout at the State and Local level as well.  National and State polls show that Hispanics vote overwhelmingly Democratic.  Perhaps this is just what the "hairy-legged women and liberal fruitcakes" of Austin need to take Texas from a red state to a blue state (fingers crossed)!